Prodigal: This is a beautiful cross!
Me: Yes, I have a great story about the cross.
This is from Christianity Is Christ by W.H. Griffith Thomas
Holman Hunt, a surrealistic artist, painted the interior of a carpenter’s shop, with Joseph and the boy Jesus working. Mary was also present. As Jesus paused in His work and stopped to stretch Himself, the sun made a shadow of the Cross on the wall. Another of his pictures is a popular engraving which depicts the infant Jesus running with outstretched arms to His mother, the shadow of the Cross being cast by His form as He runs. Both pictures are fanciful in form, but their underlying idea is assuredly true. If we read the Gospels just as they stand, it is clear that the death of Jesus Christ was really in view from the outset of His earthly appearance.
Psalms 121:2
My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.
Jennifer Van Allen